Illustration and Visual Narrative | Project 2

22.5.2023 - 1.6.2023 (Week 8 -Week 9)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Honour) in Creative Media
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 2


1. Lectures

2. Instruction 

3. Submission

  • Project 2: Illustration poster - MyTIGER Values Art 
    • Research 
    • Tagline 
    • Mood board
    • Idea Sketches
    • Mood Board Updated
    • Draft
    • Final Poster

4. Feedback

5. Reflection


Week 8
Independent learning week

Week 9
In our Week 9 exercise, we have to download a pear picture, and we have to trace the shape and shadow using the pen tool in Illutrator. From there we have to spit the pear by using the knife tool and we have to make each slice aa different colour. We are briefed on Task 3: Digital Tryptic.

Pear image link: 

Fig 1.1 Pear Image

Fig 1.2 Chiaroscuro Pear


Project 2: Illustration poster - MyTIGER Values Art 

Fig 2.1 MyTIGER Values Flyer (27/5/2023)

We enter the Maybank MY TIGER competition where we have to come up with an A1 size poster using the 12 United Nations sustainable goals as the theme.

12 sustainable goals:

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger 
  • Good health and wellbeing 
  • Quality education 
  • Gender Equality 
  • Clean and sanitation 
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic growth 
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 
  • Responsible consumption and production 
  • Climate Action 
  • Life Below Water
  • Life in Land 

My chosen goal:
  • Affordable and Clean Energy

  • In Morden day the demand for energy is rising, The United Nation make a priority to make affordable and clean energy accessible by 2030.
  • 1.2 billon people do not have access to electricity, which can make their life challenging
  • Solar Panels and Wind Turbines (Solar energy and Kinect) energy make easier to supply and access energy 
  • Using fossil fuel for energy can be harmful as it can emit dangerous toxins that cause climate change, increasing the temperature of the earth atmosphere.
  • Nuclear Power can be dangerous evided by the Fukushima Disaster in 2011.
  • In London people’s body heat is harvested to heat up homes
  • The vibration on the dance floor can be stored and transformed into clean energy. The dance Floor is made of special titles using piezoelectric harvesting technologies
Novomoto: Saving energy in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • (91%) of the Population of Congo which is more than 73 million have no access to reliable electricity
  • An average Congolese family spend $18 per month on electricity alternatives, they huddle around dim and dangerous lamps and candles for a few hours a night 
  • Congolese charge their phone at a kiosk with diesel generators
  • Novomoto provides solar powered system ranging with kits 3 LED lamps and phone charging, it was made to be affordable by allowing the customer to pay within the next 18 months.

  • Save energy save lives 
  • Recharge the earth 
  • New and Greener Energy 
  • Let them be light


Fig 2.2 First Mood Board (27/5/2023)

Idea Sketches

Sketch #1 (Top, Left):
It is a basic concept with minimalist approach where a continuous line form a light bulb with a tiger's face.

Sketch #2 (Top, Middle):
Going for the playful and childlike approach, I came up with an idea implant giant pinwheels that act as wind turbines and a tiger will be in the poster for size comparison.

Sketch #3 (Top, Right):
an electric plug with a tiger's face on it 

Sketch #4 (Bottom, Left):
The tiger is holding a battery symbol and the battery power is spill out like a liquid to represent that the fossil fuel one of the resources of energy is running out and we need to switch to an ecofriendly alternative.

Fig 2.3 Concept Sketches (27/5/2023)

Mood Board Updated
I change the moodboard is because I felt the frist one didn't give me enough inspration and I thougt the moodboard has to be apporiate to the subject after I confrom with the Ms Ismail that is don't have to I diced to change it to want I feel is the tone that I want to be expressed. Inspired by the work of Keith Kering I want my poster to be minimalist t to have a hyperactive and energetic tone by using fluorescent colors scheme the tone acts as pun for my subject. 

Fig 2.4 Updated Mood Board (27/5/2023)

I use the lightbulb as the main focal point hovering over a city to show that society is dependent on technology, and we need to electricity to survive. I use fluorescent colors to give a pop art look.

Fig 2.5 Draft 1 different versions (27/5/2023)

I tried evolving from Idea Sketch #3, but it didn't turn out well because it looks goofy.

Fig 2.6 Draft 2 Unfinished (27/5/2023)

I had this idea in mind where I play around with negative spaces where the tiger stripe is replaced with a lightning bolt, I use an old Korean tiger painting as reference, but I abandon that idea because it is difficult to construct the tiger's body.

Fig 2.7 Draft 3 Unfinished (27/5/2023)

I have this idea where the tiger's tail acts as the pull switch for a light bulb to represent that the world is in high demand for energy for our daily life and they need to switch to an alternative to save energy as it is slowly ruining out. But I abandoned that idea because I felt the concept is unrelated to subject.

Fig 2.7 Draft 4 Unfinished (27/5/2023)

Final Poster
I reused my first concept. I made the light bulb into a pop art style, and I give it a plant stem to symbolize the eco-friendly alternative, I reference to a poster form a Facebook post made by Mauli Art an advertising firm in India. I experimented with different backgrounds.

Fig 3.1 Facebook Page of Mauli Art (27/5/2023)

 Fig 3.1 Mauli Art Environment Day poster (27/5/2023)

Fig 3.2 Final Poster Variation (27/5/2023)

I change it to green background to represent give a healthier and ecofriendly atmosphere. I change the tagline from "go green with energy" to the "the world is a never-ending party but there are others who are not invited". That statement compliment with the eccentric vibe I am going for.

Fig 3.3 Final Poster Variation Part 2 (27/5/2023)

Final Outcome

Fig 4.1 Final Poster (27/5/2023)

Fig 4.2 Final Poster Outline (27/5/2023)

Design Statement:
In this poster, my chosen sustainable development goal is no. 6 affordable and clean energy. inspired by a famous artist, Keith haring I was amazed by the fact that the charters that he draws was minimalist, but it can display hyperactive personality. I made my drawings with minimalist linework to make viewers easier to digest to conceptualize the message across. I also incorporated bright colors to display an energetic and hyperactive personality that in this way also serves as a pun that technology is evolving very fast as billions of people need electricity for their everyday needs and to stay connected with family and friends. 

the light bulb with a plant stem shows that people are beginning to look for a cheaper and more sustainable energy source shifting from fossil fuel to eco-friendly alternatives such as the sun and wind. the eco-friendly alternative also helps 3rd world countries harvest energy naturally. the overlap between the two lines and color is supposed to resemble a glitch effect when there is a high demand from users causing a drainage in the system. without electricity people will feel helpless in this modern age. the logline “the world is a never-ending party but there are others who are not invited” serve as a metaphor that modern society is hectic as technology became the most important part of our lives but the people in 3rd world countries are left out in this chance of modern technology cannot keep up with society.


Week 6
  • Sketch for the MyTIGER poster looks good, suggest Sketch 1 is ideal for one of the pictures in the mood board.


Experimenting the different design on the poster is one of the most fun parts, and I love anything that is got the to do with energy because the amount of inspiration is endless website like Pintrest is flooded with influence modern art I can refer to. The only thing I struggle is how to make my drawings into a reality

Due to not be familiar with the Illustrator, there are parts of my that needed to be scrapped because I don't know what tool to use to draw freehand, the pen tool and the pencil can be restired. However, I manage to fully utilize the on the limitation.

At first I thought it is a must for the mood board to be related to the subject I am working on, but now I realize it don't have to be restried that way. The first mood Borad I made is too conventional, I change it suit my vision on the poster with the attempts I have done for the rejected concept I find can almost see the clearer picture for my art.
