Minor Project | Final Compilation & Reflection

27.9.2024 - 5.1.2025 (Week 1 - Week 15)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Minor Project
Final Compilation & Reflection


For this module, we suppose paired up into groups. The group must pick a company shown in the Project Brief to design their content. My group chooses Expedio Design.

Group 5 - X-BOARD IDEA SPACE (Expedio) 

  • Adriena Tan Yan Zi [DA]
  • Chan Wan Qing [DA]
  • Janice Marie Eng Chia Hui [UI/UX]
  • Celeste Low Ly-Ven [UI/UX]
  • Jordan Axel [UI/UX]
  • Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee [GD]
  • Dow Jia Zheng [ED]

Fig 1.1 Project Briefing

Contextual Research

We started the project by doing contextual research on Expedio's brand and its competitors. Our group leader Janice, spit up the research into sections and assigned a group member to each section.

Fig 1.2 Tasks Division of Contextual Research 

Me and Janice are paired up to do the market research. Her job is to research on the market growth and the market trends of corporate decision-makers and agile workspaces. While I do market trends of creative teams and education institutions. 

Fig 1.3 Market Research

After completing the contextual research, we meet each other on Discord to discuss and list down questions for an interview session with our client, Toro. The questions are about the product, brief and the target audience. We consult with Mr. Mike in order to make further adjustments until it is finalized.

Fig 1.4 Interview Questions

1.5 1nterview Notes and Summary

Data Collection & Analysis

In Week 3, that is where we created user personas based on the target audience for the X-board. First, we created our initial 
user personas. After that Wan Qing and Adreina design the questionnaires. With the help of Janice refining the questionnaires, they put them in Miro to get the final check from Mr. Mike before we put them into Google Form. The Google is divided into different sections including demographics, general questions and specific questions for different groups of respondents.

Fig 2.1 Survey Questions

By the time we reach our goal on gaining 
around 80 plus responses. Janice, Adriena and Wan Qing analyzed the survey results. Summarized into different categories including demographics, whiteboard usage and issues, preference and about X-board for four different personas.


Fig 2.2 Survey Results

Fig 2.3 Summery of Survey Data Analysis

Unfortunately, Mr. Mike told us that data was insufficient, and we would need to do a follow-up interview. The interview requires one respondent from each persona. Wan Qing, Adriena and Janice both drafted the interview questions while Celeste volunteered to do the interviews due to her extensive connections (all her friends are working adults). 

Once they are done collecting the data form the interviews. Janice, Adriena and Wan Qing analyzed both the survey and interview data. After analyzing the data, Janice updated the user personas.

Fig 2.4 Interview Questions

User Personas

Fig 2.5 Persona 1: Educational Institutions

Fig 2.6 Persona 2: Creative Teams

Fig 2.7 Persona 3: Corporate Decision Makers & Agile Workspace

Insights, Problem Statements, How Might We

After collecting enough data to create the personas, we moved forward to write down the insight's discovery, problem statements, and “how might we” questions. During Week 6 we meet each other online to list down the issues our target audience might be facing in the top 5 idea section. Those insights are later categorized into key themes. 

However, with dozens of issues, it makes it harder to identify the key themes, so we replace it with ideas to solve the issues according to what we listed out. Finally, we are able to divide the ideas into different categories and came out with 3 key themes.

Fig 3.1 Top 5 Issues

Fig 3.2 Categories of Ideas

Fig 3.3 Key Themes

Fig 3.4 Insight Statements

After getting an approval from Mr. Mike, we moved on to the problem statements and how might we. We first begin by writing down the points for each category which are user, need and insight. By completing all three of them, we are able to create the problem statement. By then we processed to the how might we section. That is where we created the questions based on the insight statements.

Fig 3.5 Problem Statement 

Fig 3.6 How Might We


Visual References
Based on the how might we statements; we are able to determine the design direction. All we got to do is find visual references for branding, website, social media and promotional videos. We are required to at least find three references for each section. We put the visual references into Miro board and discussed about it later. 

Fig 4.1 Branding Visual References

Fig 4.2 Website Visual References

Fig 4.3 Social Media Visual References

Fig 4.4 Email Visual References

Fig 4.5 Promotional Video Visual References


While the others are focusing their own tasks, as for me Janice put me in charge of on creating X-board's logo

I used Pinterest to find inspiration for the logo

Pinterest board Link:

Fig 5.1 Logo Design Inspiration Pinterest Board 

Draft 1
For the "X" I use Expedio's original logo. For the word "board" I create it in Illustrator using shapes such as rectangles and circles. The fusion of the letters represents how the product encourages people to share their ideas that will not only benefit their ongoing project but to connect with other people with different specializations. The round shape of the word "board" represents Expedio's friendly personality.

Fig 5.2 Original Logo

Fig 5.3 Draft 1 Logo Sketches

Fig 5.4 Draft 1 Logo Digitalized

Draft 2
According to Mike our lecturer 
the first draft is not easily readable. In draft 2, I have decided that certain letter is fuse while the other a separated. The fusion of the letter "o" and "a" forming of an infinity symbol represent that ideas are endless and all of those idea can be put on the board. While the geometric shapes of the letter's "b" "r" and "d" represents the sturdiness of the X-board as well as the company's professional nature.

Fig 5.5 Draft 2 Logo Sketches

Fig 5.6 Draft 2 Logo Digitalized

Logo Font Options
Since the brand's image is supposed to be minimalist Janice our group leader suggested to use an existing font to create the logo. The font is selectively pick in Google Font and we all voted which typeface is the best.

Fig 5.7 Font Options for Logo

Fig 5.8 Font Options for Logo Poll in WhatsApp

In the end, everyone picked Monda. And all capital letters and bold variation is 
the final outcome for the logo.

Fig 5.9 Final Logo

Project Proposal

We have complied all of our findings, surveys, problem statements, brand identity, design direction and marketing plan into a presentation slide. Janice and Celeste both present the proposal to Toru 

Fig 5.10 Project Proposal Presentation

Customer Journey Map

After we finish creating the proposal, we moved on creating the customer journey map. From completing the customer journey map, we have decided to launch and promote X-board in three platforms, including social media (Instagram), website and email.

Fig 6.1 Customer Journey Map

Fig 6.2 Customer Journey Map - Plan on Each Category

Once the Customer Journey map is finalized. Our group leader, Janice came out with a timeline for the social media posts, email promotional plan, showroom flow and also the website flow. With a clear plan, Janice divided the task for each platform to each of the group members. Me and Celeste are tasked to create email designs and to copywrite them. 

Art Direction

Since all of us are creating designs in different types of platforms. To prevent us from creating different styles on each application. Janice assigns me to find visual references on for our Art direction.

Fig 6.3 Art Direction Slides

Unfortunately, from Mr. Mike commented that our Art Direction is not detail enough. So, Janice created an extended version of it.

Fig 6.4 Extended Art Direction 

Email Design

During Week 11 class, Celeste was unavailable during class when Janice first assigns us on, we agree to split the work. We create the Email designs in Figma. I worked on the Newsletter Emails and Purchasing Emails while Celeste creates the After Sales Support Emails and Showroom Emails.

Type of Emails 

Fig 7.1 Tasks Division for the Email Variations

I got all of my inspiration from Pinterest

Pinterest board Link:

Fig 7.2 Email Design Inspiration Pinterest Board 


Fig 7.3 Joining Newsletter Email Sketches

Fig 7.4 Product Launch Email Sketches

Fig 7.5 Post-Purchase & Track Delivery

Email Design Draft 1

For the first draft I created the Product Launch and Signing up for the Newsletter Email. While Celeste creates the Showroom Confirmation. I tried to make the design look similar to Jorden website design in order to maintain consistency.

Fig 7.6 Email Design Draft 1 - My Part

Email Design Draft 2

According to Mr. Mike my email design lacks black elements, so I added in black box. I also added a footer based on Janice feedback.

Fig 7.7 Email Design Draft 2 - My Part

Fig 7.8 Email Design Draft 2 - Celeste Part

Email Mockup Draft
Eventually our work is put to a mockup

Fig 7.9 Email Design Mockup Draft - My Part

Fig 7.10 Email Design Mockup Draft - Celeste Part

Email Design Final
I made some minor adjustments to mine designs and Celeste's design to make consistent.

Fig 7.11 Final Email Design - My Part

Fig 7.12 Final Email Design - Celeste Part

Email Mockup Final
For the first mockup I don't like the background colors blending too much with our email design. So, I change the background pattern and color. 

Fig 7.13 Final Email Design Mockup - My Part

Fig 7.14 Final Email Design Mockup - Celeste Part

Final Outcome

Fig 8.1 Final Presentation Slide

Fig 8.2 Group 5 Final Submission Files Link


Week 7
  • Draft 1 Logo is hard to read

Week 12
  • Art Direction is not detail enough

Week 13
  • Email Design looks clean and different compared to website and social media
  • Lacking black elements


    Compare to previous module Digital and Social Media Communication I had a positive experience when it comes to team collaboration, and it is planned out more clearly. During logo development, I have learned that to not complicate things since I realized they want font to be presented in a straightforward way

    This module helps me learn how to adapt to people's art style to my own design. And which criticism that is needed to be taken in. Since because I notice that my Team leader Janice doesn't take in my lecturer's comments simply because she doesn't understand it, or it will take too much time on the development. 

    This module also helps me tolerate with an inactive partner when. Allowing me to take in the opportunities to developed leadership skills by informing her on the latest update on our team meaning.
