7.06.2023 - 16.07.2023 (Week 14 - Week 15)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee /
0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Honour) in Creative Media
and Visual Narrative
Project 3
1. Lectures
2. Instruction
- Final Project: Animated 1 Page visual novel
- Comic Research
- Script
- Sketch
- Inspiration
- Refine Sketch
- Draft:
- Draft 1
- Draft 2
- Final Comic
4. Submission
5. Feedback
6. Reflection
Week 14
No class
Week 15
No class, deadline is extended from Jul 14 to Jul 16
Final Project: Animated 1 Page visual novel
Continuing from Project 3, based on the selected story we have to create a one-page comic that show introduction of the story with at least one animated panel. We have to make sure the panel arrangement and transition is easily understood to the reader.
The challenges are:
- Continue with the same story and design aesthetics from Project 2
- Work only from one paragraph of the story for the 1st page.
Comic Research
I did my research on how to make comic on YouTube. In my research, I
learn how to make panel sequences readable by using the 3-design layout.
I learn on the do's and don'ts on making a comic panel. and I learn some
tip of how to make the 1st page of a comic engaging.
Design Patterns:
- Gutenberg Diagram – the eye starts from the top-left to the bottom-right. The eye movement generally move to the right as it moves down. The corner that is paid less attention is called the fallow area. The top right corner is a stronger fallow area, while the bottom left is mostly ignored.
- F-pattern layout – this pattern the eye starts from the top-left. The flow is moved to right across the page, then it jump back to the left side in the bottom area. The process is repeated.
- Z- pattern layout – The eye moves in a zigzag manner starting from the top-left and move to the right. The top-right comer moves down and to the left.
Tips on comic panel:
- Do not use too many square panels and vertical panels, it causes confusion.
- Use long horizonal panels.
- Create a focal point, use the rule of thirds.
Tips on what needs to be in a 1st page of a comic:
- Evoke emotion - give a reason why the reader needs to continue reading.
- Exposition – briefly explain the world in the story.
- Shock Value – show an unexpected a horrific event.
- Page Turner – Mix with shock value and suspense to the reader to engagement what happens next.
Upon my research it important to write a script for my comic
before drawing. So, I prepare a script on "The Black
Cat" 1st Act, help me layout the events for each panel and wrote
the monologue for the comic. I decide my comic to have a mixture
of exposition and a pager turner. Each panel will showcase the
important events that occur in the narrator's life. And the panel
ends with a close up of the narrator's bloodshot eyes to given
tension to the viewer to see what happens next after the narrator
gotten drunk.
- Panel 1: The Narrator get married.
- Narration: I begin my new life as I got married to my beloved
- Panel 2: Pluto other animals
- Narration: Our children consistent of birds, goldfish, rabbits and a monkey but my favorite of them all was a cat name Pluto
- Panel 3: Narrtor drinks
- Narration: Soon after I had a disease which is alcohol
- Panel 4: Blood shot Eyes close up
- Narration: A demon had possessed me; I don’t have the patience for tranquility
I draw a rough sketch to help me visualize on the comic' paneling. I
decide to go with the Z - Pattern formant. and the last 2 bottom
panels will be horizontal to make it easier to read.
Fig 1.2 Comic Sketch (2/7/2023) |
Fig 1.3 Comic Sketch Reading Flow (2/7/2023) |
For the aesthetic of the comic, I took inspiration from a Spanish
illustrator named Ana Galvan for her usage of minimalist subject in
her panels.
Fig 1.4 Comic Strips by Ana Galven (2/7/2023) |
I was I also inspired by Simon Landrein's 6 paneled illustrations for the usage of bold color to make the comic striking.
Refine Sketch
I am not good at drawing body proportion on humans. So, I trace the
body proportion of existing images. From there I use one of "The
Black cat" illustration I found from Pinterest to use as reference
to draw the narrator
Fig 2.1 Black Cat Narrator Reference from Pinterest (2/7/2023) |
Fig 2.2 Image Reference (2/7/2023) |
Fig 2.3 Tracing the image in Pannel 1 (2/7/2023) |
Fig 2.4 Tracing the image in Pannel 2 (2/7/2023) |
Fig 2.5 Tracing the image in Pannel 3 (2/7/2023) |
Fig 2.6 Tracing the image in Pannel 4 (2/7/2023) |
Refine Sketch 1:
I use the grid system in Photoshop to help me layout the panels and I
use the shape tool to draw grey rectangle as a panels
Fig 3.2 Refine Sketch 1 with Grid (2/7/2023) |
Refine Sketch 2:
In Refine Sketch 2 I ask my classmates for feedback on rought sketche
shown on Fig 1.2 majorty said that the narrator 's eyes in the last
panel looks like cat eyes and one of tham said that the second panel
looks like a showroom for animals. So I decided to change thoses
Pannel Changes:
- Pannel 2: I use my charater reference to draw the narrator siting on a chair petting Pluto the cat.
- Pannel 4: A siowette of the narrator looks angry
Fig 3.3 Refine Sketch 2 (2/7/2023) |
Fig 3.4 Refine Sketch 2 with Grid (2/7/2023) |
Draft 1
I decide to stick to the structure of the first refinement sketch,
to save time since I have difficulty drawing humans. I have made
each panel color code with different color.
Fig 4.1 Draft 1 (8/7/2023) |
Draft 2
I afterward I realized that I have made mistake in my comic, it
has to base of the 1st paragraph of the story.
The 1st pargraphy in page 1:
FOR the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to
pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to
expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence.
Yet, mad am I not -- and very surely do I not dream. But to-morrow I
die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul. My immediate purpose is
to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment,
a series of mere household events. In their consequences, these
events have terrified -- have tortured -- have destroyed me. Yet I
will not attempt to expound them. To me, they have presented little
but Horror -- to many they will seem less terrible than barroques.
Hereafter, perhaps, some intellect may be found which will reduce my
phantasm to the common-place -- some intellect more calm, more
logical, and far less excitable than my own, which will perceive, in
the circumstances I detail with awe, nothing more than an ordinary
succession of very natural causes and effects.
In this quote "My immediate purpose is to place before the world,
plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household
events. It show that the narrator is reminsing the events that drove
him to maddness. I change the borders from white to black to display
a and I change the colours to black and white to display a
For my animation I decide to animate the narrator drinking beer
because it highlights the core of the narrator's despair
I overlap multiple frames together and I placed each frame on its
individual artboard.
Draft 2 Animation:
Fig 4.3 Draft 2 Animation Timeline (8/7/2023) |
Fig 4.3 Draft 2 (8/7/2023) |
Final Comic
Yet a again I found out another problem I realize something that the
assignment breakdown sides the part it says that the aesthetic is
based on Project 2 is a typo, it is meant to be based on Project 3.
So, I change the design of the cat be exactly the same as the
triptych and I made each panels use the same color as the 3
triptychs. I keep the black boarders intact to simulate that the
event occur is a flashback.
Fig 5.1 Final comic Version 1(8/7/2023) |
I feel the one I different color for each panel is inconstant and
confusing, so I change it to a dark yellow and orange. To give a
warmer setting to show that the narrator lives' pleasant it slowly
turns darker to emphasize that he is descending to madness.
Fig 5.2 Final comic Version 2 (8/7/2023) |
I am worried that the picture I draw won't be enough for the viewer
to understand I added in a narration box to help the viewer
understand what is happening in the story.
Fig 5.3 Final comic Version 3 (8/7/2023) |
Final Animation:
Fig 5.5 Animation Frame of Panel 3 (8/7/2023) |
Fig 5.6 Timeline Animation of Panel 3 (8/7/2023) |
Final Outcome
Fig 6.1 Final Comic with Animation (15/7/2023) |
Week 15
Draft 2:
- Mr Zamri said that the style of looks good and the panels looks clear.
- He suggested I chound break up each panelas as separate files, to make the file lighter
- He said that the I am in the right track
Making a comic is changeling experience. Due to not having
physical class, it is difficult to ask for feedback from the lecture, but
lucky Mr. Zamri announce that he is willing to the take the time to look
through my work. Looking through other people's perspective because I have
no idea how to make my comic approachable to the viewers. Some part I made
some careless mistake as I overlooked on the instruction when making the
I have a tendency to be paranoid on the sequence I laid out for the
comic. because the pannels I drew feel like sepreate scence rather than a
transition of another scence. But since it is my 1st time drawing a comic,
I don't know how to draw the basic human porption or object perspective to
make the transition feel organic.
Since I had no experience to draw a human properly, I use image from the
internet as reference. I did find myself in improve to make the comic
approachable and consistent. I also improve on the color
Monitor Comic (Sep 2020) The SECRET To Creating GOOD PAGE FLOW In Comics, Manga, And Webtoons. Available at: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=(11)+The+SECRET+To+Creating+GOOD+PAGE+FLOW+In+Comics%2c+Manga%2c+And+Webtoons+-+YouTube&qpvt=(11)+The+SECRET+To+Creating+GOOD+PAGE+FL (Accessed: 16/7/2023)
Steven Bradley (April 2015) Design Principles: Compositional Flow and Rhythm. Available at: Design Principles: Compositional Flow And Rhythm — Smashing Magazine (Accessed: 16/7/2023)
Monitor Comic (Jul 2019) What NEEDS to Be In The FIRST PAGE Of Your Comic, Manga, Or Webtoon by
Monitor Comic. Available at:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=(11)+What+NEEDS+to+Be+In+The+FIRST+PAGE+Of+Your+Comic%2c+Manga%2c+Or+Webtoon+-+YouTube&view=detail&mid=1FC5259278C8E4F65D571FC5259278C (Accessed: 16/7/2023)
Proko (Oct 2021) Basics of Comic Composition. Available
at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KX7WpRVtVU (Accessed: 16/7/2023)
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