Interactive Design | Exercises

28.08.2023 - 17.09.2023 (Week 1- Week 8)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Interactive Design 


Week 1
Mr. Rahman gives us a brief on the assignments, and he show a sample of our senior work and introduce us to a software called Netlify and Dreamweaver. Our first assignment is Web Analysis.

Week 2
The class was move to Monday to Tuesday we learn about The Key Principles of Usability which are Consistency, Simplicity, Visibility, Feedback and Error Prevention. We also watch a video on Usability. 

What is Usability?
Usability part of UX Design refers how effective the user can use the product or design in a certain situation. Within an Interface it is important that the users are able to easily achieve their objective in from their first impression. 

Principle of Usability?

  1. Consistency
  2. Simplicity
  3. Visibility
  4. Feedback
  5. Error Prevention

For our class activity we divided into 4 groups to design a interfere prototype, the interface design is based on a given scenario. For my group we designed a online learning management system

Fig 1.1 Interface Planning 

Fig 1.2 Main Page Draft 1

Fig 1.3 Main Page Draft 2

Fig 1.3 Main Page Final

Week 3
We learn about website structure and there are three key elements of a website which are the Header, Body, and Footer.

Key Elements:
  • Header - the top section of a webpage, it usually contains the website's logo, navigation menu, and contact infomation. It also provides users with quick access to essential infomation and navigation 
  • Body - the main content of the area of a webpage. It contains text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. If content is properly organized within the body is easily readable
  • Footer - it is located at the bottom of a webpage. It typically has copyright information, links to important pages, and contact details. The footer provide closure to the webpage and additional navigation options.

For the class activity each group has to design a user-friendly navigation menu. The theme of the website can be a restaurant, and e-commerce store, a travel agency, or a blog.

Fig 1.4 Webpage Prototype 

Fig 1.5 Navigation on the Webpage Prototype 


Exercise 1 / Web Analysis

From the given link in Google Classroom, we are supposed to review two websites of our choice and how it impacts the user experience. For there we have write a brief report on our findings and recommendations. The report should in Google slide format, and it has been no more than 500 words. 

What do we have to Analysis:

  1. Consider the purpose and goals of the website and evaluate whether they are effectively communicated to the user.
  2. Evaluate the visual design and layout of the website, including its use of color, typography, and imagery.
  3. Consider the functionality and usability of the website, including its navigation, forms, and interactive elements.
  4. Evaluate the quality and relevance of the website's content, including its accuracy, clarity, and organization.
  5. Consider the website's performance, including its load times, responsiveness, and compatibility with different devices and browsers.

Chosen Website
I have chosen Pantheon and Mana for the analysis. Pantheon is website that sell sound systems while Mana's website sells sparking teas.

Patheon Link: Pantheone Audio | Part Sculpture, All Sound

Mana Link: MANA yerba mate | Energizing infusion | Made in Quebec - MANA yerba mate


Fig 1.1 Web Analysis Slides (5/09/2023)

Exercise 2 / Replicate a website.

In this Exercise I have to replicate 2 existing main pages of a website, to gain better understanding of the structure and to develop software skills such as Photoshop and Illustrator. 

Chosen Website

Website 1: Bandit Running

Website 2Ocean Health Index

Website 1: Bandit


Fig 2.1 First, I lower the opacity on the original as guidance for the layout (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.2 I use clipping mask to change the size of the pictures.(9/09/2023) 

             Fig 2.3 In Some Picture I use adjustment layers. (9/09/2023)             

Fig 2.4 Replication font (top), Original Font (bottom) (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.5 Organic Shapes like the logo and the arrow I use a pen tool to draw (9/09/2023) 

             Fig 2.6 Regular shapes like the scroll down measurement shown I use the shape tool (9/09/2023)

Fig 2.7 I found social media symbols on the internet, and I use the magic wand tool to delete backgrounds. (9/09/2023) 

             Fig 2.8 I use the magic wand tool to select the symbol and color it is using the brush tool (9/09/2023) 

Final Outcome:

Fig 2.9 Website 1 Replication (9/09/2023) 

Website 2: Ocean Health Index


Fig 2.10 First, I lower the opacity on the original as guidance for the layout. (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.11 Replication font (top), Original Font (bottom) (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.12 I use the shape tool to draw a rectangle. (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.13 I use the Gaussian Blur on the rectangle. (9/09/2023) 

               Fig 2.14 I the image found on the website and I use the magic wand tool to delete the background (9/09/2023)  

Fig 2.15 I use color fill to color the logo (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.16 I use clipping mask to change the size of the pictures. (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.17 I lower the opacity of the background of the words. (9/09/2023) 

Final Outcome:

Fig 2.18 Website 2 Replication (9/09/2023) 


Fig 2.19 Website 1 Comparision (9/09/2023) 

Fig 2.20 Website 2 Comparision (9/09/2023) 

Exercise 3 / Creating a Recipe Card

In this our task is to create a recipe card using HTML and CSS code on Dreamweaver. The goal to design a basic web page that displays a recipe's instructions in a visual pleasing formant pleasing format.

Recipe Information

I decide to create a recipe of a blueberry shortcake, the recipe information is from a website called "Allrecipe" I use it as a reference.


Stage 1:

Fig 3.1 Stage 1 Screenshot  (30/09/2023)

Stage 1 Code:

Fig 3.2 Main Heading HTML (30/09/2023)

Fig 3.3 Ingredients List HTML (30/09/2023)

Fig 3.4 Shortcake Instructions HTML (30/09/2023) 

Fig 3.5 Blueberry Topper Instructions HTML (30/09/2023)

Fig 3.6 Whipped Cream Instructions HTML (30/09/2023)

Fig 3.7 Assembly Instructions HTML (30/09/2023)

Stage 2:

Fig 3.8 Stage 2 Screenshot (30/09/2023)

Stage 2 Code:

Fig 3.9 Photo Link HTML(30/09/2023)

Stage 3:

Fig 3.10 Stage 3 Screenshot (7/10/2023)

Fig 3.11 CSS Link HTML (7/10/2023)

Fig 3.12 CSS Link HTML (7/10/2023)

Fig 3.13 Element Selector CSS (7/10/2023)

Fig 3.14 ID Selector CSS (7/10/2023)

Fig 3.15 Class Selector CSS (7/10/2023)

Final Outcome

Fig 3.16 Screenshot of final layout of Exercise 3 (7/10/2023)


Week 6
  • For Exercise 3, put the steps in this form.
  • Change font family


It is actually straight forward where we learnt about the designs of existing websites.
By Exercise 3 we slowly learnt about the basics of coding. When Mr. Samsul was explaining about the HTML and CSS coding, I was lost in thought, but luckily Mr. Samsul helped we with the trouble I was going through.

 I tried to follow the lecture, but Mr. Samsul's explanation was too fast and it was hard to keep up. He then gave us some exercises to help us out.

Mr. Shamsul provided us with some lecture presentation on google classroom to help us understand. The explanation in the presentation was slightly difficult to understand with the use of terminology. 
