Brand Corporate Identity | Task 1

24.4.2024 - 8.5.2024 (Week 1 - Week 3)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Brand Corporate Identity
Task 1




Brand Corporate Identity module focus on the mainly focus on the integrity of the brand. And this module introduces students to the basics of identity design and the effective use of symbols in the area of visual communication

"A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship."

We will learn the creation of an image and to develop a brand. During the learning process we ga though case studies of breaking down an established brand and master the process of brand creation.


What is a Brand?
A term originates from the Old Norse word brandr or "to burn". It also refers on the practice of branding livestock, dated over 4,000 years ago in the Indus Valley" (aka Indus Valley Civilization - see map)

So, what is a brand?
"A brand is a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or company [...] while companies can't control this process, they can influence it by communicating the qualities that make this product different than that product."

"When enough people arrive at the same gut feeling, a company can be said to have a brand. In other words, a brand is not what you say it is. It's what they say it is." It is a mental construct shared by society about a product, service, organization or even a person.

What is a brand identity?
Brand Identity usually refer to "gut instinct", covarying an image or massage associated with the product, service, organization or person.

Another aspect "visual identity" helps to manage the message or image or gut feeling. "Brand identity is the collection of all elements that a company creates to portray the right image to its consumer. (DeBara, 2017) 

What is branding? 
"Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company, products or services by (actively) creating and shaping a brand in consumers' minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help people to quickly identify and experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the competition's" (Marion, 2015) 

Branding can be achieved through:

  • Brand definition - purpose, values, promise
  • Brand positioning statement - what your brand does, who you target, and the benefits of your brand, a concise statement
  • Brand identity - name, tone of voice, visual identity design (which includes the logo design, color palette, typographies.
  • Advertising and communications - TV, radio, magazines, outdoor ads, website, mobile apps
  • Product design
  • Sponsorship and partnerships
  • In-store experience
  • Workspace experience and management style
  • Customer Service
  • Pricing Strategy

What are the benefits of branding?
  • Branding helps you stand out in a saturated market.
  • Branding gives you credibility
  • With a clear brand, you can charge what you're worth.
  • Branding leads to customer loyalty
  • Branding leads to returning customers & referrals.
  • Branding = Consistency.
  • Branding help to attract your ideal clients.
  • Branding your business will save you money and time.
  • Branding will give you confidence in your business
  • Established branding makes it easier to introduce new products/services.
  • Branding gives you a clear strategy for moving forward

BCI_3_Types of Marks

Often people misunderstood the concept of a logo, serving as a symbol that helps to identify a business/service/product/product/person. To put it simply, a logo refers to all marks that represent a brand. 

  • Logotype - a logo created around a company name or initials.
  • Logomark - a logo centered around a symbolic image or icon. 

A motif that involves overlapping or combining two or more letter or other graphemes to form one symbol. Letters are referring to the brands' initials

  • Grapheme - a letter on a number of letters that represent a sound

Originate from Europe, the study of designing, displaying armorial bearing alongside with the study of ceremony, rank, and pedigree.

  • Crest - a visual representation of a family or corporate body 
  • Coat of Arms - a distinctive heraldic bearing or shield of a person, family, corporation, or country
  • Insignia - a distinguishable badge or emblem of military rank, office, or membership of an organization.

It signifies ownership or identification. Representing the quality and ability and skill levels of its creator.

  • Trademark - a symbol or words established by use as representing a company or product. It is also used as legal protection against intellectual property infringement or theft.
  • Service mark - a trademark used to identify a service
  • Registered Trademark - A typographic symbol that provides notice that the preceding word or symbol is a trademark or service mark that is successfully registered with a national trademark office.



Task 1 / Breaking Brand

We are pair into groups to analysis a brand of our choosing and it has to follow the given framework. We discuss on WhatsApp on type famous brand are we going to write about. We decided to choose Nestle. Each of us divide the task of researching chunks of the framework. My job is to research on brand profile, from No. 1 to No. 2.2. 

Group Members:

  • Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee
  • Ma Ruisheng 
  • Song Yang 
  • Fion Moi

Fig 1.1 Framework for MLB (10/5/2024)

Fig 1.2 Nestle Analysis Document (10/5/2024)

Initial Submission 
Once we finish filling up the framework, we have to create the slides with all of the information presented. But unfortunately, all of us misunderstood the instructions on creating the slides. I submitted Ma Ruisheng's slides without realizing we have to create our own slides and we have to use our words to write the information.

Fig 1.3 Breaking Brand Initial Submission Presentation (10/5/2024)

Final Outcome

Fig 1.4 Breaking Brand Final Submission Presentation (17/5/2024)


Week 3
  • Create your own slides don't use other people's slides and use your own words to write the information on the slides



Working on project 1 has been a confusing experience for me. Since I was from in a group, I thought the whole entire project it a group work, but I was wrong. But however, researching on other companies does help me see how they operate.

The part where I screw up on the slides, I was able to look at Fion's work the only one gets it right. As a guide to improve upon my work. Although I can't fully be relied on her work since she has a hand fully of mistake. I also learn than I cannot use same word my teammates used in the document. 

By the time we are suppose the create the slides I copy one of my teammates slides assuming that we are supposed to create the slides together. But it turns out the slides was an individual work, to me translating my own words in the slide is one of my weak points. But I try my best to make sure no to copy my friends
