Brand Corporate Identity | Task 3

(Week 6 - Week 10)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Brand Corporate Identity
Task 3



Visual Culture - Malaysia School Emblem

  • Visual culture – ideas, customs of social behavior
  • School emblem - badge (worn on a person)

The public-school emblem/Malaysia coat of arms is rise from Heraldry. School emblems nowadays are pseudo heraldic, meaning they look heraldic, but they do not conform to the practices to heraldic and they are not easily remembered as they are complicated.

Some problems with school emblems in Msia:

  • Rule of tincture violations
  • Use of written text in the coat of arms
  • Use of scrolls to write school name in place of the motto
  • Poor crafting
  • Lack of unity in design
  • Repeated use of the same charge


Task 3 / Positioning & Identity

In this task, it is where we are going to establish our brand to its distinctive identity. Use the logo that we created back in task 2, it can be used as a guide to create a mood board. And that mood board can be used as inspiration to create applications, collaterals, digital presence and environmental graphics. 

  • Logo Applications 
    • Business Card
    • Letter Head & Continuation sheet (with and without mocked text)
    • Envelope
    • Invoice
  • Collateral
    • Four appropriate collaterals of your choosing 

  • Digital Presence
    • Website UI & Social Media
  • Environmental Graphics and simulations 

Brand Positioning Draft
Ms. Lian give us give a framework on how to create a brand positioning and I create draft highlighting the operation of my own company. 

Fig 1.1 Brand Positing Draft 

Visual Reference
To show progression we are required show visual references so Ms. Lian will know if those refences are suitable for the brand 

Fig Visual Reference 

We are required to sketch out all of our ideas on design of our application to present to Ms. Lian on Week 7 so far, I sketch out the logo applications, four collateral and the website formant. 

Fig Business Card Sketches

Fig Letterhead, Continuous Sheet & Envelop Sketches

Fig Invoice & Collaterals Sketches 

Fig Website Layout Sketch


Business Card
I have done some research on the margin measurement of a business card after that I draw the margins before designing it. I wanted for my mascot to be the center of attention in front of the business card to display a friendly greeting toward customers. From the draft I have created I experiment with the colors and composition of the text.

Fig Business Card Margin measurement

Fig Business Card Draft 1 with and without Margin Line

Fig Business Card Draft 2 with and without Margin Line

Just like what I have done to the business cards, I experimented with the colors and different compositions. The Draft 1 and 2 I created to have a sense of playfulness to capture my brand. But sometimes I feel conflicted since the layout of contact information is one most important part of an envelope, so I created Draft 3 as a safety design.

Fig Envelope Draft 1 with and without Guildlines

Fig Envelope Draft 2 with and without Guild lines

Fig Envelope Draft 3 with and without Guidelines

Letter Head
Documents like a letterhead I find it tricky because the design supposed to be simple but at the same time it has distinctive to reflected on my brand. I use reference a lot of letterhead design from Pinterest, and I used the grid system from InDesign to help my layout my design 

Fig Letter Head Draft 1

Fig Letter Head Draft 1 Fig Invoice Draft 1 with Guidelines

Fig Letter Head Draft 2

Fig Letter Head Draft 2 with Guidelines

Just like letterheads I was having a tough time figuring out on how to design the invoice I research a lot of references in Pinterest.

Fig Invoice Draft 1

Fig Invoice Draft 1 with Guidelines

Since my brand sells mainly sells products, the collaterals will be based on the products. The four collaterals I picked out are a noise cancelling earbuds, a blackout sleep mask, a self-cooling sleeping mat and cloud shape clock.

Fig Noise cancelling Earbuds Draft

Fig Blackout Sleep Mask Draft

Fig Cooling Sleeping Mat Draft

Fig Cloud Shape clock

Website UI
I intended for my website UI to be simple in design to reflect the clam and peaceful vibe of my brand. I often struggle on making the website aesthetic pop due to the limitation of color and font style from the logo's visual guidelines that I made back in Project 2.

Fig Website UI Process

Social Media

I created a draft for a layout for the Instagram Illustrator but at the moment the draft I create to not suitable design for marketing.

Fig Instagram Grid Design Draft

Environmental Graphics
While working on the designs for the billboard and kiosk I have no idea, how to advertise my brand, so I made several different types of designs with two different types of concepts. 

Taking inspiration from the Doller Shave Club's marketing approach and the Be Stupid campaign by Diesel. The advertisements for my brand will have a playful concept to grab people's attention.  

The first concept is the ground approach where I showcase a picture of a related able topics with the addition of funny tagline. The second concept is linked towards the idea had in mind in back Task 2. The billboard will have an ethereal aesthetics, compared to the first concept it gives off a more positive message.  

Fig Billboard Draft 1

Fig Billboard Draft 2

Fig Kiosk Draft 1

Fig Billboard Draft 3

Fig Kiosk Draft 2


So far majority of the design application I have done I most well received by Ms. Lian with only a few minor adjustments some of the designs.

For the envelope I research on internet on how the contact information is laid out. But I wasn't happy with the results, as the design come across as looking like an ordinary envelope. From the feedback I receive from Ms. Lain the Draft 3 is the mostly candidate to be the final. So, I sick to that plan.

Fig Envelop Margin Measurements

Fig Envelope Draft 4 with and without Guidelines

I research on some references online for inspiration on how to properly create the grid composition for the brands Instagram page. 

Final Instagram Grid Design

Final Outcome

Brand Poisoning

Fig Final Brand Poisoning Slides


Fig Final Logo Applications Mockups

Fig Final Collateral Mockups

Fig Final Digital Presence Mockups

Fig Final Environmental graphics and simulations Mockups


Fig Final Business Card Artwork

Fig Final Letter Head with and without Mocked Text Artwork

Fig Final Continuation sheet with and without Mocked Text Artwork

Fig Final Envelope Artwork

Fig Final Invoice Artwork

Fig Final Instagram Post  Artwork

Fig Final Billboard and Kiosk Posters Artwork


Week 7
  • The business card of Sketches 1 & 3 is acceptable, and Sketch is unacceptable because it is cropped out
  • The letter head reference doesn't fit with the brand
  • In Sketch 2 Envelop don't put the logo on the front because that is where the address information comes from
  • Invoice Reference is suitable for the brand
  • Find out where to put the logo on the clock
  • Mission and Vision statement are mix up
  • Expand different sector of the target market
  • Expand Brand positioning statement
  • Look at the career options again to find out what is the unique selling point

Week 9
  • The round tab in the business card is not relevant to the business design, suggest using the dog nose as the tab
  • Draft 3 for the envelop design is acceptable unlike the other two it has enough space for the contract information
  • Prefer Draft 1 of the letter head, remove the line to prevent from looking too ridge. Use the same footer design as the Invoice
  • Good design on the Invoice
  • Good design on the Collateral
  • Good design on the Website

Week 10
  • Both design direction is acceptable for the brand but looking at the website the second approach is the best 
  • Put photographs on the Instagram page


It has been a hectic experience as we were required to turn the mundane office paraphernalia into a branding exercise creative design. I felt as if I shot myself on the foot as this task was a follow up to the guidelines and procedures set in Task 2.

I spent my time making observations on the work of my peers to see if I was on the right track. By looking and through the work of my peers it has helped me gain inspiration on my design application.
My inspirations for my design application mostly came from looking through Pinterest. During my conversations with Ms. Lian, I realized that some inspiration from Pinterest could sometimes be taken out of context. I always do research on the measurements of the margin line for the office applications. 
