Advanced Typography | Task 2A & 2B

20.09.2023 - 11.10.2023 (Week 4- Week 7)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Advanced Typography
Task 2A & 2B


1. Lectures

2. Instruction

  • Task 2A / Key Artwork 
    • Initial Design
      • Mind Map
      • Mood board
      • Sketches
      • Digitalization
      • Wordmark Example
    • Refinement
      • Research
      • Sketches
      • Digitalization
    • Final Wordmark

  • Task 2B / Collateral
    • Collateral Draft 1
    • Expansion
      • Moodboard
      • Pattern Experiment
      • Word Expansion Experiment 
      • Collateral Draft 2
    • Expansion Part 2
      • Inspiration
      • Collateral Draft 3
    • Final Collateral
      • GIF
    • Final Instagram Post
      • Moodboard
      • Grid Arrangement Planning
    • Final Outcome

4. Feedback


6. Further Reading



Refer to Task 1



Task 2A / Key Artwork 

Task 2A is where we create our own Key artwork. A key artwork is where we create our own wordmark/lettering used for a personal brand. 


  • The wordmark has to be our own name. It can be a first name or a pet name or pseudonym.
  • It has to be a minimum of 4-5 characters.

Initial Design

Mind Map
I have made a mind map to help me explore on how to give my wordmark a meaning that identifies me and what type of style it is appropriate for the meaning that I have integrated. I have list down my experience and interest to indicate the identity of the wordmark.   

Fig 1.1 Mind map (16/09/2023)

Mood board

Fig 1.2 Wordmark Moodboard (16/09/2023)

The sketch shows on the top shown in (Fig) displays my desire to gain a friend but was unable to due to lack of awareness on social rules., hence the letter C and A being combine together. The middle sketch is inspired by braille to display my dyslexic and inability to read social cues. And the bottom sketch is inspired by art nouveau. Because of its organic structure, I use it to display my free will, as I refuse other people from holding me back.

Fig 1.3 Wordmark Sketckes (16/09/2023)

I digitalized my wordmark, in Adobe Illustrator most of them I difficult to translated from paper to digital and it didn't turn out what I hope for. I tried using grid to balance the form, but I am not used to using it. Also, I come up with a new idea for the wordmark where I use the letter "I" as an eye to represent my social blindness, combining the letters c and a together but that didn't turn out well either.

Fig 1.4 Wordmark Drafts (17/09/2023)

Wordmark Example
In Week 4, in class Mr. Vinod notice that all of our letters are not stable, so he asks us to search for four Wordmark examples and create another wordmark. I create a combination of lowercase letters and uppercase letters to make it stand out and the letter "C" would stretch out to the letter "I" borrow the idea from the previous wordmark. Mr. Vinod advise me not to make it too complicate.

Fig 1.5 Wordmark Examples (19/09/2023)

Fig 1.6 Class Wordmark sketches (19/09/2023)

Fig 1.7 Class Wordmark digitalized (19/09/2023)


Last time, I no clear idea what kind of meaning I should implement, I search through YouTube videos on how to properly create a wordmark and I video called "Timeless Wordmark Logos and their Stories of Success" help me understand better how professional company integrated their meaning through the character of the typeface.

Fig 2.1 Timeless Wordmark logos and their Story of Success Video (23/09/2023)

Fig 2.2 How to create a wordmark/ Logotype Logo (23/09/2023)

Fig 2.3 Design a Word Logo - Wordmark Tutorial of a Personal Project (23/09/2023)

With the inspiration of one of my seniors "Lui Hsiao Hui"(0342003) I have decided to create a wordmark based on my Chinese zodiac animal which is a sheep.

The sketches shown below (Fig 2.4). The top sketch has the letter "C" is modeled after the handle of a Shepards' crook. And I pick one of the fonts from Google fonts. The middle sketch has the letter "C" based on a horn of a sheep. The bottom sketch is inspirated by the stencil style of the Facade logo, to represent my disconnection with humans.

Fig 2.4 Shepard's Crook (23/09/2023)

Fig 2.5 Goat horn (23/09/2023)

Fig 2.6 Facade logo (23/09/2023)

Fig 2.6 Refined Wordmark Sketches (23/09/2023)


Fig 2.7 Font Selection (24/09/2023)

I pick Tenor Sans font to modify, I experiment on creating the curve tip on the letter "C", I also added elements of cursive writing by connecting the letters together. This is reflected to the gentle nature of a sheep.  

Fig 2.8 Design evolution (24/09/2023)

Fig 2.9 Wordmark with Grid and Guidelines (24/09/2023)

Fig 2.10 Variation of the letter "C" (24/09/2023)

Fig 2.11 Letter "C" overlap (24/09/2023)

Final Wordmark

Fig 2.12 Final Wordmark (24/09/2023)

Fig 2.13 Final Wordmark on T-Shrit JPEG (24/09/2023)

Fig 2.13 Final Wordmark on T-Shrit PDF (24/09/2023)

Task 2B / Collateral

Collateral Draft 1
We have to pick a color scheme from the Color Hunt website for our collateral. I choose pastel colors to simulate a nostalgic and peaceful vibe to the font.  This reflect on my inner child as nowadays I struggle my transition to adulthood. I pick multiple range of pastel color schemes and test each of them out. 

Fig 3.1 Color Test (26/09/2023)

We are task to create at least three collaterals. I struggle to find inspiration on making the design for the collateral, even the website Mr. Vinod given to us is not helped. I am not entirely sure if we suppose to stick to the chosen wordmark colors for collateral. I made several designs for T-shirt, tote bag and cap.

Fig 3.2 Draft 1 Collateral Design (30/09/2023)

Fig 3.3 Draft 1 Self Portrait (30/09/2023)


Mr. Vinod stated that we have to expand our collateral and we have to create self-portrait with our wordmark. And we have to create our Intergram account, to showcase our collateral.

I search on Pinterest to find more inspiration on collateral design. One of the challenges I face was trying to find features in my wordmark to expand. I notice all of the letters are disconnected compared to mine which made things harder.

Fig 3.4 Collateral Design Inspiration from Pinterest (30/09/2023)

Pattern Experiment
I deconstructed the letter present in my wordmark and create pattern

Fig 3.5 Wordmark feature for designing pattern (07/10/2023)

Fig 3.6 Pattern Design (07/10/2023)

Word Expansion Experiment 
I play around with the letters of my wordmark but so far none of them look good.  

Fig 3.7 Failed attempt at rearrangement of Wordmark (07/10/2023)

Collateral Draft 2
My aim is to create products 
the to promote a Cafe. The products range from coffee bean packing, plastic coffee cups, ceramic cups, tote bags and t-shirts. Creating the self-portrait be is tricky because I don't know how to make a font with thin strokes look impactful.  

Fig 3.8 Draft 2 Collateral design (08/10/2023)

Fig 3.9 Draft 2 Self-Portrait (08/10/2023)

Fig 3.10 Draft 3 (08/10/2023)

Fig 3.11 Instagram page (08/10/2023)

Expansion Part 2

I use the collateral design of a Peach Coffee Roster from Pentagon and other coffee packing designs as reference to improve design of the Paper Coffee Cups and Coffee Packing.

Website Link

Fig 3.12 Peach and Coffee Roaster Collateral (14/10/2023)

Fig 3.12 Coffee Packing (14/10/2023)

Collateral Draft 3
From my observation, I notice that majority of my friends' wordmarks are usually have bold strokes, to make their wordmark impact in their Instagram post. From there I was usure how to make my Instagram post effective.

I also realized that my color scheme looks faded, so I decide to choose another color scheme that has bolder colors. However, I find it difficult find the right color scheme that has striking colors yet light enough to resemble pastel colors.

Fig 3.13 Draft 3 Collateral design (14/10/2023)

Final Collateral

Finally, I found this color scheme that fit my vision for the collateral and at same time it had striking color to stand out. I Experiment on creating different variations of each collateral.

Fig 4.1 Final Color Scheme (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.2 T-shirt Variations (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.3 Coffee Packing Variations (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.4 Ceramic Cup Packing Variations (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.5 Tote Bag Variations (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.6 Paper Coffee Cup Variations (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.7 Final Self -Portrait (15/10/2023)

For the animation I wanted to give the impression that the words are handwritten. at first, I tried using After Effect, but I find the software too difficult to handle. I tried use Photoshop to create the animation frames and animated them but, it ended up looking choppy. Finally, I use Procreate on my iPad to create the frames, as I am able to see the previous frame, when draw the next frame, then I transfer all of those frames into Photoshop.

One of the main reasons why the word mark is written backwards is because the letter "C" is supposed to be the main emphasis of my identity, so I create a buildup where the letters slowly reveled the letter "C".

Fig 4.8 Failed GIF Attempt in After Effect (15/10/2023) 

Fig 4.9 Creating GIF Draft in Photoshop (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.10 GIF Drafts (15/10/2022)

Fig 4.11 GIF Animation Layers in Procreate (15/10/2022)

Fig 4.12 GIF Animation Frame in Procreate (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.13 Creating Final GIF in Photoshop (15/10/2023)

Fig 4.14 Final GIF (15/10/2023)

Final Instagram Post

I use samples of Instagram grid design as Reference and I plan out the arrangement in Illustrator. 


Fig 4.15 Instagram Moodboard (16/10/2023)

Grid Arrangement Planning

Fig 4.16 Instagram panel arrangement in Illustrator (16/10/2023)

Fig 4.17 Updated Instagram Post (16/10/2023)

After some consideration, I was unsatisfied with the arrangement of the post, and I found out that the Instagram Post looks inconstant. I referenced an Instagram grid that is very helpful for guiding me. I create more expansion for the Instagram Post.

Fig 4.18 Instagram Grids (3/11/2023) 

Fig 4.19 New Patterns (3/11/2023)

Fig 4.20 Final Instagram Grid (3/11/2023)

Final Outcome

Fig 5.1 Wordmark Black and White (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.2 Wordmark in Color (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.3 Final Wordmark in Color (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.4 Final Wordmark in Color, Ver 2 (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.5 Final GIF (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.6 Final Ceramic Cup Mockup (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.7 Final T-shirt Mockup (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.8 Final Coffee Packing Mockup (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.9 Final Tote Bag Mockup (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.10 Final Paper Coffee Cup Mockup (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.11 Final Instagram Post (3/11/2023)

Fig 5.12 Final Mockup and IG Layout Outcome PDF (3/11/2023)


Week 4
General Feedback
  • Wordmark has to be readable.
  • In any good form there is a good meaning
  • Wordmarks need to have impact.
  • Form has to be stable.

Specific Feedback
  • There are other ways to express social cues.

Week 5
General Feedback
  • None

Specific Feedback
  • It looks OK no comment.

Week 6
General Feedback
  • Expand the keywork artwork.
  • Don't slap on the same logo again. 
  • Can do various of colors as long it is within the color scheme.
Specific Feedback
  • Copy and paste work on collateral design.

Week 7
General Feedback
  • Show the collateral in Week 9
Specific Feedback
  • 3 statements don't fit well with the overall grid of the Instagram.
  • The pattern on the shirt looks promising.


Creating a wordmark is quite hard for me because the assignment is about creating my own identity and in recent years, I have gone through an identity crisis, and I have no Idea on what meaning I should give myself. Though development I struggle, to expand my collateral due limit characteristics of my wordmark. 

When I overserve my friend's work it almost gives me a clear view on what do I need to improve on my work. and looking thought on Pinterest other ideas on the collateral helps a bit.

I notice that majority of my friend's wordmarks are usually bold and have bold color which is the exact opposite of my wordmark. This allows them to have creative expansion.  I tried to study their techniques.


Advanced Typography: From Knowledge to Mastery 
by Richard Hunt 

Printing Leads to the Morden World

With the use of the moveable type, manuscripts can be re-produced faster than before, and the number of copies will be produced a thousand times faster than the scribe. Eventually the printing press is invented to be an improved version of the moveable type. The printing press helps increase the number of copies while decrease the labor cost. 

Technology Affects Typographic Form

As technology slowly evolves overtime, the appearance of the typeface changes. For example, Metal punches use to carved serif in Roman inscriptional capital are replaced by the scribe's pen, the curved ending and the diamond-shaped serifs. Soon after the angled lettering will become varied. 

Typeface Evolution:

Fig Garamond Font

Fig Bodoni Font 

Fig Clarendon Font 

Designers Need Typographic Knowledge More Than Ever 

It is important that every designer must applied the technical typographic knowledge and skill in all media. For example, a book designer must take consideration on choosing the appropriate typeface, size, leading, layout, rag and sometimes the justification of the word. The printer or type house might make suggestions on how the improve the designer's work.


Logo Design Guru (2017, Febuary 9). Timeless Wordmark logos and their Story of Success Video [Video]. YouTube.

Be Skilled (2020, May 16,) [Video]. YouTube.

DesignCourse (2017, Decenber 6) [Video]. YouTube.
