Digital Photography and Imaging | Project 1

6.4.2023 - 4.05.2023 (Week 1-Week 6)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Project 1


1. Lectures

2. Instruction 

3. Tutorials

4. Submission

  • Project 1A: Physical Collage Design
  • Project 1A: Digital Collage Design
  • Project 1B: Hearst Mansion
    • Part 1 Shazam in Hearst Mansion
    • Part 2: Me in Hearst Mansion
  • Project 1B: Recoloring Black & White 
    • Part 1
    • Part 2
    • Part 3

    5. Feedback

    6. Reflection

    7. Blog Link


    Week 1 
    Briefing on all project, we have a lecture on the important of Photoshop.
    More Details Click Here: (Week 1)  

    Week 2
    The whole entire class are move from Computer Lab D7.04 to Design Studio E1.03 to make the physical collage. We have lecture on the introduction to composition.
    More Details Click Here (Week 2)  

    Week 3 
    We learn how to use Lasso Tool, Pen Tool, Layering in Photoshop
    More Details: (Week 3)

    Week 4 
    Once we composed all 3 compositions on the digital collage Mr Yusoff will check on each of our composition to see which is the best. We have a lecture on Adjustment and Filters
    More Details Click Here: (Week 4)

    Week 5
    (Public Holiday, Wesak Day)
    More Details Click Here:(Week 5)

    Week 6
    Originally the Digital Photography Lecture is supposed to be in Week 5 but was changed due to Week 5 being a public holiday. We learn about Digital Photography
    More Details Click Here: (Week 6)



    Project 1A: Physical Collage Design
    Progression: (Week 2)

    Fig 1.1 Composition 1 (16/04/2023)

    Fig 1.2 Composition 2 (16/04/2023)

    Fig 1.3 Composition 3 (16/04/20)

    Project 1A: Digital Collage Design
    Progression: (Week 3)

    Fig 2.1 Composition 1 (22/04/2023)

    Fig 2.2 Composition 2 (22/04/2023)

    Fig 2.3 Composition 3 (22/04/2023)

    Project 1A: Digital Collage Adjustment Layer 
    Progression: (Week 4)

    Fig 3.1 Composition 2 with Adjustment Layer, Final (29/04/2023)

    Project 1B: Hearst Mansion
    Progression: (Week 5)

    Part 1: Shazam in Hearst Mansion 

    Fig 4.1 Shazam in Hearst Mansion (6/05/2023)

    Part 2: Me in Hearst Mansion

    Fig 4.2 Myself in the Hearst Mansion (6/05/2023)

    Project 1B: Recoloring Black & White 
    Progress: (Week 6)

    Part 1

    Fig 5.1 Recoloring Part 1 Final (13/05/2023)

    Part 2
      Fig 5.2 Recoloring Part 2 Final (14/05/2023)

    Part 3
    Fig 5.3 Recoloring Part 3 Final (14/05/2023)


    Week 3
    • Mr. Yusoff told me to glue physical composition #2
    • Mr. Yusoff told me that all of the digital compositions look good. 



    The lectures were interesting and fun I got a chance with a lot of hands-on activities. This is the first time I attempted a physical collage. This project gives me ideas on how to compose a physical collage The lecturer was helpful, and he shared tips on stressing the importance of composition where we use the golden ratio and rule of thirds. 

    The step-by-step videos provided by the lecturer were helpful for to me revise and work on the collages when at home. Walking around the class and observing my classmates with their work was helpful when I worked on my own material.

    Working on the digital collage, I find it fascinating to experiment on different tones on the subject matter. Learn about gradients and at the same time get exposure on techniques to make the subject matter pop. It was insightful to watch a video to make a cut out object blend into the background seamlessly. It was a eye opener when I had the opportunity to learn about how to recreate old photos and add new life into them by recoloring them. 

