Digital Photography and Imaging | Project 2

18.5.2023 - 01.6.2023 (Week 7 -Week 9)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Honour) in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Project 2


1. Lectures

2. Instruction 

3. Tutorials

4. Submission
  • Project 2A: Double Exposure
    • Exercise 1
    • Exercise 2
  • Project 2B: Poster Design
    • Summary on Zero Hunger
    • Mood Board
    • Idea Sketch
    • Mockup Poster:
      • Sketches
      • Image Used
      • Mockup Poster Draft
    • Final Poster:
      • Inspiration
      • Sketch 
      • Image Used
      • Final Outcome
5. Feedback

6. Reflection

7. Blog Link


Week 7
Briefing on MyTIGER completion poster for Project 2 and our recoloring the black and white photo exercise and the double exposure exercise. We had a lecture on the 7 principles of poster design.
More Detail Click Here: (Week 7)

Week 8 
(Independent week)
More Detail Click Here: (Week 8)

Week 9 
We had a Lecture on Digital surrealism. 
More Detail Click Here:(Week 9)



Project 2A: Double Exposure
Progress: (Week 7)

Exercise 1

Fig 1.1 Double Exposure Ex1, Final (20/5/2023)

Exercise 2

Fig 1.2 Double Exposure Ex 2, Final (20/5/2023)

Project 2B: Poster Design
Progress: (Week 8)

Fig 2.1 MyTIGER VALUES Art Competiton 2023 Flyer (27/5/2023)

We enter the Maybank MY TIGER competition where we have to create a with an A1 size poster using Photoshop. We have selected one of the 12 United Nations sustainable goals as our theme.

12 sustainable goals:

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger 
  • Good health and wellbeing 
  • Quality education 
  • Gender Equality 
  • Clean and sanitation 
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic growth 
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 
  • Responsible consumption and production 
  • Climate Action 
  • Life Below Water
  • Life in Land 

My chosen goal:
  • Zero Hunger 

Summary on Zero Hunger
One of the goals I choose for sustainable development goals is Zero Hunger. According to United Nation they aim to eliminate all hunger by 2030. A report in 2020 stated that over 30% of the world’s population are struggling to gain access to food in their home country and they are often suffering for malnutrition. Malnutrition can cause children to under 5-year-old to suffer from stunting (low height for their age). With the Covid-19 and the Ukraine war ongoing it further worse the situation by disrupting the global food supply chains and increasing food Insecurity.

Mood Board
I use Pinterest to find visual references for my mood board.

Fig 2.2 Mood board Pictures form Pinterest (27/5/20323)

Idea Sketch
I sketch out my ideas for the posters' concept. 

Sketch #1 (Top, Left):
I was inspired by an eaten fish; I image the that the tiger has a long body with an exposed fish bones in the middle. To associate that food waste can cause world hunger. 

Sketch #2 (Top, Right):
mixture of vegetable is form together to create the shape of a tiger. The pumpkin for the head, carrots for the legs and tail, squash for the body and orange peppers for the ears

Sketch #3 (Bottom, Left):
The tiger has a human like body and the boxes exposed the skeleton similar to an X-ray to show the malunion can cause marasmus and it will eventually lead to death.

Sketch #4 (Bottom, Right):
The 2 forks meant to symbolized hunger and the fork tine are meant to replace the tigers' stripes. 

Fig 3.1 Idea Sketches (27/5/20323)

Mockup Poster


Sketch #1
Borrowed for first idea sketch I go with the minimalist approach. The tiger with the exposed fish bones will take over the whole entire poster with the words "Stop Hunger."

Sketch #2 
Also going with the minimalist approach inspired by idea sketch #4. The tiny sausage will have a tiger body part symbolizing the shortage of food production in third world countries.

Fig 3.3 Mockup Poster Sketches (27/5/2023)

Image Used:

Draft 1:
Fig 3.4 Draft 1: Image use for Photoshop (27/5/2023)
Draft 2:

Fig 3.5 Draft 2: Image use for Photoshop (27/5/2023)

Mockup Poster Draft:
Draft #1
In photoshop I have difficulties removing the background of an eaten fish image, so I replaced it with an apple core. To me I was unsatisfied with the end result because I the apple core is awkwardly stretch to get the match the concept I am going for, from Sketch #1. And I have difficulties on settling on the appropriate color scheme.

Draft #2
In I decided to ditch the concept Sketch #2 because I struggled translating the concept into Photoshop form. I decided to have an African child holding a bowl along with a cloud of food being centered on the bowl symbolizing the boy's ideal thoughts to eat better quality food. The stripes help to maintain the tiger motif for the completion. Just like Draft #1 I have difficulties on settling on the appropriate color scheme.

Fig 3.6 Draft Posters (27/5/2023)

Final Poster
While I was doing the double exposure exercise from week 7 help me to see the bigger picture for the poster.

While borrowing through the internet for tiger poses, when I found the one the that has its body facing the back while the head look directly to the camera. It gave me the idea where half of the tiger is cover with rotten food symbolizing that simple action cause disastrous results to interfere to a person's life. I was originally going for a double exposure effect but after seeing (Fig 2.5) I changed to a collage style to communicate the message better to the viewer.

Fig 4.1 Visual Reference (27/5/2023)


Fig 4.2 Final Poster Sketches (27/5/2023) 
Image Used

Fig 4.3 Original Photo (27/5/2023) 

Fig 4.4 Images Used in Photoshop (27/5/2023) 

Final Outcome

Fig 4.5 "The Hunger Tiger" (27/5/2023) 

Design Statement:
In this artwork I decided to make it in a collage style in order to accentuate and summarize the causes of world hunger into one picture. I wanted to make it snappy with bright and bold colors to draw viewers’ attention, and by that helping to spread awareness of Zero Hunger.

The images of rotten food covering the tiger represent one of the common causes of world hunger; millions of people waste their food and all that uneaten food will release greenhouse gas into the atmosphere causing an increase of CO2 concentration into the atmosphere which will eventually cause climate change. Unexpected drought and heavy rainfall will affect the harvest of crops which will then cause a decrease in food production. It is a vicious cycle.

I put Duct tape on the Tiger’s eyes to display that the population of the 3rd world is at high-risk with the effects of climate change. There will be an increased death rate because of poor nutrition, poor overall hygiene, and affordability amongst 3rd world countries. I use warm color tones to show the effects of climate change impacting world hunger.

I put the word “STOP HUNGER” in bright red for it to be the center of attention for the viewers.


Week 9
  • The Final Poster looks good.


Personally, I had fun in this project. I have learned some of the inner workings of a camera and the videos the lecturer shared on the double exposure effects give me insights and opportunities to experiment for I what feel the future projects that I would have the opportunity to embark in. 

Working with double exposure exercise helps me improve my attention to detail when using the adjustment layer better than Project 1. The exercise is big help when I got stuck on creating the Final Poster as the double exposure serve as a blueprint of poster creation. 

Majority of the time I struggled with the direction of the poster design. I can hardly find a good reference for my topic as it consists of similar content in different works. Despite being frustrated with the reference, I will always try my best to work with it. Some parts, struggle to blend different images, so I tried to watch Youtube video for guidance. Over time, I soon realized that I don't have to make my poster, very intricate after going through the activity in lecture is all the inspiration for me to work on the ideas.


Fig 2.2: Mood Board Picture

