Digital Photography and Imaging | Week 7

18.05.2023 (Week 7)
Caitlin Ong Lynn Dee / 0343801 / Bachelor of Design (Honour) in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Week 7 Blog


Originally the Lecture supposed to be in Week 6, Mr. Yusoff brief us on MyTiger completion poster for Project 2 and our recoloring the black and white photo exercise and the double exposure exercise.

Poster Design
In that Lecture we are taught about the 7 principles of design. The principles of design help designers to create an effective and attractive composition.

7 priciples of poster design:
  • Emhasis
  • Balance and alignment
  • Contrast
  • Reptiotion
  • Proportion
  • Movement
  • White Space

Double Exposure
Mr. Yusoff taught us about double exposure where we blend different types of images in photoshop, silhouette is mostly used to create this type of effect. The goal make it look surreal.

Tips on making a Double Exposure:
  • Use the Tittl-shift tool in Photoshop.
  • Create a fake reflection.
  • Experiment with simple portraits and details textured.
  • Convert your results to Black & White
  • Experiment with simple and complex images
  • Convert your results to Black & White
  • Work with silhouette
  • Pick two random photo.
  • Make simple objects look fascinating.
  • Use Shadow
  • Use Blend Mod


Mr Yussof gave us a tutorial video on Double Exposure

Video 1: Double Exposure wk Practical by Fauzi Bin Mohd Yusoff




Project 2A: Double Exposure

Exercise 1
We have to follow a step-by-step video on Double exposure from Mr Yusoff and the Pictures are provided in the Google Drive 

Images Used 
Fig 1.1 Original Photo (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.2 Images use in Photoshop. (20/5/2023)


Fig 1.3 Step 1: Click “Select Subject” at Option bar (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.4 Step 2: Under "Select & Mask" mode, Refine the Hair (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.5 Step 3: Use Brush Tool to clean the background (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.6 Step 4: Add a Curve and Select clipping mask (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.7 Step 5: Add Forest image and select clipping mask (20/5/2023)

Fig1.8 Step 6: Add Solid Color and match it with the image background (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.9 Step 7: Unmask the face (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.10 Step 8: Duplicate Forest image, flip it, and adjust the mask (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.11 Step 9: Add Bird and Cloud and add Level on the clouds (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.12 Step 10: Use Gradient Map to change the overall gradient. (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.13 Step 11: Change the Opacity (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.14 Draft (20/5/2023)

Fig 1.15 Final (20/5/2023)

Exercise 2
In Exercise 2 we have to do the do another double exposure but this time I have to use my own picture. For my double Exposure, the style was inspired by the YouTube video tutorial by Lets Photoshop, it shows me how put a mountain on top of my head.


Fig 2.1 Double Exposure from a YouTube video (20/5/2023)

Image Used
Fig 2.2 Original Photo (20/5/2023)

Fig 2.3 Image Use in Photoshop (20/5/2023)

Fig 2.4 Drafts (20/5/2023)

Fig 2.5 Final (20/5/2023)


Weekly Blog:
(Week 2) 
(Week 5)
(Week 7)
(Week 11)
(Week 13)

Project Blog:
